Conference Paper
Reduced GaN Half-Bridge IC Switching Loss on Biased Si p-n Junctions
Substrate-biasing effects in monolithic GaN half bridge ICs are suppressed on Si substrates with p-n junction iso lation and local buried substrate-to-source terminations, similar to GaN-on-SOI. However, the vertical depletion capacitances of the p-n junctions add to the switch-node capacitance (in contrast to discrete half-bridges) and slightly increase switching times, losses and energies. This work’s approach is to intentionally bias the substrate towards negative voltages to reduce the effective vertical depletion capacitance. After C-V and I-V characteriza tion of the vertical Si p-n junction in a commercial GaN half bridge IC, experimentally a switching loss reduction of up to -6% at 1 MHz, 32 V switching is demonstrated by applying up to -40 V average substrate voltage via a LR-type bias tee. The work provides insight into p-n junction isolation for monolithic GaN power converter ICs.