Journal Article
Voltage-margin limiting mechanisms of AlScN-based HEMTs
In this work, the off-state characteristics of AlScN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) were studied and directly compared to an AlGaN- and an AlN-HEMT grown in the same MOCVD. Pinch-off instability and leaky capacitive measurements were observed for AlScN-based HEMTs, which was correlated with a higher ideality factor and lower effective potential barrier height than the AlGaN and AlN-HEMTs. However, the reverse bias characteristics exhibited a sudden drain-current increase without a significant increase in gate-leakage current. The drain-leakage current is assumed to be related to a parasitic channel across the AlScN-barrier as a result of trap-assisted carrier transport with a Poole-Frenkel characteristic. The demonstrated pinch-off instability led to significant gain expansion in load-pull measurements and early soft-breakdown, which, in turn, limits the achievable voltage-margin. The results demonstrate a key issue to reveal the full potential of AlScN-based HEMTs for mm-wave applications.