Journal Article
Selective infill metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy of InP:Si n+/n- layers for buried collector double heterostructure bipolar transistors
Fabrication of a prototype Ga0.47In0.53As/Al0.48In0.52As/InP double heterojunction bipolar transistor employing an embedded n+/n--InP:Si subcollector/collector region in an otherwise semi-insulating InP:Fe substrate was studied. The basic layer structure was accomplished by two sequential growth cycles on the basis of device quality Al0.48In0.52As/Ga0.47In0.53As grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) and InP grown by metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy (MOMBE). For the first time the embedded collector was implemented by truly selective infill growth into a substrate groove with vertical sidewalls defined by reactive ion etching (RIE) using MOMBE. Excellent layer morphology in combination with lateral interfaces without growth irregularities at the lateral substrate/collector interface were achieved in the [0-1-1] direction, while some minor facet formation due to slightly enhanced growth rates appeared in the [0-11] direction. The device layer stack was completed by large area Al0.48In0.52As/Ga0.47In0.53As MBE regrowth due to its ability to highly Be dope the GaInAs base when grown at reduced growth temperatures. Functional devices were obtained. Some degradation in the output characteristics could be directly correlated with inhomogeneities in the MBE regrown structure.
buried layers
chemical beam epitaxial growth
heterojunction bipolar transistors
iii-v semiconductors
indium compounds
semiconductor epitaxial layers
semiconductor growth
metalorganic molecular beam epitaxy
buried collector double heterostructure bipolar transistor
selective infill growth
substrate groove
reactive ion etching
lateral interface
stack morphology
embedded subcollector
MBE regrowth
facet formation