Now showing 1 - 10 of 62
  • Publication
    POS0881 Specific AI-Generated Pattern of Tender Joints and Tenderness at Enthesial Sites are Predictive for Objective Detection of Musculoskeletal Inflammation in Psoriasis Patients
    ( 2023-05-30)
    Köhm, Michaela
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    Mackay, Sina
    Kratz, Hannah
    Zerweck, Lukas
    Behrens, Frank
    Psoriasis (Pso) is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases in Europe. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is closely associated to Pso. Up to 30% of the Pso patients will develop PsA during skin disease course. Defined and validated approaches for early detection are still missing. Beside biomarkers from blood or imaging, clinical characteristics of the patients may be of value to detect PsA patients in the transition state early. To perform an AI-based cluster analysis in a cohort of Pso patients at-risk for development of PsA to assess clinical characteristics as markers for early PsA.
  • Publication
    A machine learning method for the identification and characterization of novel COVID-19 drug targets
    ( 2023-05-03) ;
    Delong, Lauren Nicole
    Masny, Aliaksandr
    Lentzen, Manuel
    Dijk, David van
    Hansen, Anne Funck
    ; ; ; ; ; ;
    Kannt, Aimo
    Foldenauer, Ann Christina
    Resch, Eduard
    Frank, Kevin
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    Laue, Hendrik
    Hirsch, Jochen
    Wischnewski, Marco
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    Tom Kodamullil, Alpha
    Gemünd, Andre
    Fluck, Juliane
    Steinborn, Carina
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    Hermanowski, Helena
    Klein, Jürgen
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    Knieps, Meike
    Wendland, Philipp Johannes
    Wegner, Philipp
    ; ; ;
    Lentzen, Manuel
    In addition to vaccines, the World Health Organization sees novel medications as an urgent matter to fight the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. One possible strategy is to identify target proteins, for which a perturbation by an existing compound is likely to benefit COVID-19 patients. In order to contribute to this effort, we present GuiltyTargets-COVID-19 (, a machine learning supported web tool to identify novel candidate drug targets. Using six bulk and three single cell RNA-Seq datasets, together with a lung tissue specific protein-protein interaction network, we demonstrate that GuiltyTargets-COVID-19 is capable of (i) prioritizing meaningful target candidates and assessing their druggability, (ii) unraveling their linkage to known disease mechanisms, (iii) mapping ligands from the ChEMBL database to the identified targets, and (iv) pointing out potential side effects in the case that the mapped ligands correspond to approved drugs. Our example analyses identified 4 potential drug targets from the datasets: AKT3 from both the bulk and single cell RNA-Seq data as well as AKT2, MLKL, and MAPK11 in the single cell experiments. Altogether, we believe that our web tool will facilitate future target identification and drug development for COVID-19, notably in a cell type and tissue specific manner.
  • Publication
    Omics and Multi-Omics Analysis for the Early Identification and Improved Outcome of Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis
    ( 2022-09-24)
    Gurke, Robert
    Bendes, Annika
    Bowes, John
    Köhm, Michaela
    Twyman, Richard M.
    Barton, Anne
    Elewaut, Dirk
    Goodyear, Phil
    Hahnefeld, Lisa
    Hillenbrand, Rainer
    Hunter, Ewan
    Ibberson, Mark
    Ioannidis, Vassilios
    Lories, Rik J.
    Resch, Eduard
    Scholich, Klaus
    Schwenk, Jochen M.
    Waddington, James C.
    Whitfield, Phil
    FitzGerald, Oliver
    Behrens, Frank
    Pennington, Stephen R.
    The definitive diagnosis and early treatment of many immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) is hindered by variable and overlapping clinical manifestations. Psoriatic arthritis (PsA), which develops in ~30% of people with psoriasis, is a key example. This mixed-pattern IMID is apparent in entheseal and synovial musculoskeletal structures, but a definitive diagnosis often can only be made by clinical experts or when an extensive progressive disease state is apparent. As with other IMIDs, the detection of multimodal molecular biomarkers offers some hope for the early diagnosis of PsA and the initiation of effective management and treatment strategies. However, specific biomarkers are not yet available for PsA. The assessment of new markers by genomic and epigenomic profiling, or the analysis of blood and synovial fluid/tissue samples using proteomics, metabolomics and lipidomics, provides hope that complex molecular biomarker profiles could be developed to diagnose PsA. Importantly, the integration of these markers with high-throughput histology, imaging and standardized clinical assessment data provides an important opportunity to develop molecular profiles that could improve the diagnosis of PsA, predict its occurrence in cohorts of individuals with psoriasis, differentiate PsA from other IMIDs, and improve therapeutic responses. In this review, we consider the technologies that are currently deployed in the EU IMI2 project HIPPOCRATES to define biomarker profiles specific for PsA and discuss the advantages of combining multi-omics data to improve the outcome of PsA patients.
  • Publication
    Inspect, Understand, Overcome: A Survey of Practical Methods for AI Safety
    ( 2022-06-18)
    Houben, Sebastian
    Albrecht, Stefanie
    Bär, Andreas
    Brockherde, Felix
    Feifel, Patrick
    Fingscheidt, Tim
    Ghobadi, Seyed Eghbal
    Hammam, Ahmed
    Haselhoff, Anselm
    Hauser, Felix
    Heinzemann, Christian
    Hoffmann, Marco
    Kapoor, Nikhil
    Kappel, Falk
    Klingner, Marvin
    Kronenberger, Jan
    Küppers, Fabian
    Löhdefink, Jonas
    Mlynarski, Michael
    Mualla, Firas
    Pavlitskaya, Svetlana
    Pohl, Alexander
    Ravi-Kumar, Varun
    Rottmann, Matthias
    Sämann, Timo
    Schneider, Jan David
    Schulz, Elena
    Schwalbe, Gesina
    Sicking, Joachim
    Srivastava, Toshika
    Varghese, Serin
    Weber, Michael
    Wirkert, Sebastian
    Woehrle, Matthias
    Deployment of modern data-driven machine learning methods, most often realized by deep neural networks (DNNs), in safety-critical applications such as health care, industrial plant control, or autonomous driving is highly challenging due to numerous model-inherent shortcomings. These shortcomings are diverse and range from a lack of generalization over insufficient interpretability and implausible predictions to directed attacks by means of malicious inputs. Cyber-physical systems employing DNNs are therefore likely to suffer from so-called safety concerns, properties that preclude their deployment as no argument or experimental setup can help to assess the remaining risk. In recent years, an abundance of state-of-the-art techniques aiming to address these safety concerns has emerged. This chapter provides a structured and broad overview of them. We first identify categories of insufficiencies to then describe research activities aiming at their detection, quantification, or mitigation. Our work addresses machine learning experts and safety engineers alike: The former ones might profit from the broad range of machine learning topics covered and discussions on limitations of recent methods. The latter ones might gain insights into the specifics of modern machine learning methods. We hope that this contribution fuels discussions on desiderata for machine learning systems and strategies on how to help to advance existing approaches accordingly.
  • Publication
    A Quantitative Human-Grounded Evaluation Process for Explainable Machine Learning
    ( 2022) ;
    Müller, Sebastian
    Methods from explainable machine learning are increasingly applied. However, evaluation of these methods is often anecdotal and not systematic. Prior work has identified properties of explanation quality and we argue that evaluation should be based on them. In this position paper, we provide an evaluation process that follows the idea of property testing. The process acknowledges the central role of the human, yet argues for a quantitative approach for the evaluation. We find that properties can be divided into two groups, one to ensure trustworthiness, the other to assess comprehensibility. Options for quantitative property tests are discussed. Future research should focus on the standardization of testing procedures.
  • Publication
    Die zeitlich-räumliche Verteilung von COVID-19 in Köln und beeinflussende soziale Faktoren im Zeitraum Februar 2020 bis Oktober 2021
    ( 2022)
    Neuhann, F.
    Buess, M.
    Wolff, A.
    Schlanstedt, G.
    Kossow, A.
    Nießen, J.
    Hintergrund und Ziele: Schon in der frühen Phase der global sehr verschieden verlaufenden COVID-19-Pandemie zeigten sich Hinweise auf den Einfluss sozioökonomischer Faktoren auf die Ausbreitungsdynamik der Erkrankung, die vor allem ab der zweiten Phase (September 2020) Menschen mit geringerem sozioökonomischen Status stärker betraf. Solche Effekte können sich auch innerhalb einer Großstadt zeigen. Die vorliegende Studie visualisiert und untersucht die zeitlich-räumliche Verbreitung aller in Köln gemeldeten COVID-19-Fälle (Februar 2020–Oktober 2021) auf Stadtteilebene und deren mögliche Assoziation mit sozioökonomischen Faktoren. Methoden: Pseudonymisierte Daten aller in Köln gemeldeten COVID-19-Fälle wurden geocodiert, deren Verteilung altersstandardisiert auf Stadtteilebene über 4 Zeiträume kartiert und mit der Verteilung von sozialen Faktoren verglichen. Der mögliche Einfluss der ausgewählten Faktoren wird zudem in einer Regressionsanalyse in einem Modell mit Fallzuwachsraten betrachtet. Ergebnisse: Das kleinräumige lokale Infektionsgeschehen ändert sich im Pandemieverlauf. Stadtteile mit schwächeren sozioökonomischen Indizes weisen über einen großen Teil des pandemischen Verlaufs höhere Inzidenzzahlen auf, wobei eine positive Korrelation zwischen den Armutsrisikofaktoren und der altersstandardisierten Inzidenz besteht. Die Stärke dieser Korrelation ändert sich im zeitlichen Verlauf. Schlussfolgerung: Die zeitnahe Beobachtung und Analyse der lokalen Ausbreitungsdynamik lassen auch auf der Ebene einer Großstadt die positive Korrelation von nachteiligen sozioökonomischen Faktoren auf die Inzidenzrate von COVID-19 erkennen und können dazu beitragen, lokale Eindämmungsmaßnahmen zielgerecht zu steuern.
  • Publication
    Grundlagen des Maschinellen Lernens
    Zu definieren, was die menschliche Intelligenz sowie intelligentes Handeln – und da­mit auch die Künstliche Intelligenz – ausmacht, ist außerordentlich schwer und be­schäftigt Philosophen und Psychologen seit Jahrtausenden. Allgemein anerkannt istaber, dass die Fähigkeit zu lernen ein zentrales Merkmal vonIntelligenzist. So ist auchdas Forschungsgebiet desMaschinellen Lernens(engl.machine learning, ML) ein zen­traler Teil der Künstlichen Intelligenz, das hinter vielen aktuellen Erfolgen von KI-Sys­temen steckt.
  • Publication
    Visual Analytics in the Aviation and Maritime Domains
    ( 2020)
    Andrienko, Gennady
    Andrienko, Natalia
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    Cordero Garcia, Jose Manuel
    Scarlatti, David
    Vouros, George A.
    Herranz, Ricardo
    Marcos, Rodrigo
    Visual analytics is a research discipline that is based on acknowledging the power and the necessity of the human vision, understanding, and reasoning in data analysis and problem solving. It develops a methodology of analysis that facilitates human activities by means of interactive visual representations of information. By examples from the domains of aviation and maritime transportation, we demonstrate the essence of the visual analytics methods and their utility for investigating properties of available data and analysing data for understanding real-world phenomena and deriving valuable knowledge. We describe four case studies in which distinct kinds of knowledge have been derived from trajectories of vessels and airplanes and related spatial and temporal data by human analytical reasoning empowered by interactive visual interfaces combined with computational operations.
  • Publication
    Data science in healthcare. Benefits, challenges and opportunities
    ( 2019)
    Abedjan, Z.
    Boujemaa, N.
    Campbell, S.
    Casla, P.
    Chatterjea, S.
    Consoli, S.
    Costa-Soria, C.
    Czech, P.
    Despenic, M.
    Garattini, C.
    Hamelinck, D.
    Heinrich, A.
    Kraaij, W.
    Kustra, J.
    Lojo, A.
    Sanchez, M.M.
    Mayer, M.A.
    Melideo, M.
    Menasalvas, E.
    Aarestrup, F.M.
    Artigot, E.N.
    Petkovic, M.
    Recupero, D.R.
    Gonzalez, A.R.
    Kerremans, G.R.
    Roller, R.
    Romao, M.
    Sasaki, F.
    Spek, W.
    Stojanovic, N.
    Thoms, J.
    Vasiljevs, A.
    Verachtert, W.
    Wuyts, R.
    The advent of digital medical data has brought an exponential increase in information available for each patient, allowing for novel knowledge generation methods to emerge. Tapping into this data brings clinical research and clinical practice closer together, as data generated in ordinary clinical practice can be used towards rapid-learning healthcare systems, continuously improving and personalizing healthcare. In this context, the recent use of Data Science technologies for healthcare is providing mutual benefits to both patients and medical professionals, improving prevention and treatment for several kinds of diseases. However, the adoption and usage of Data Science solutions for healthcare still require social capacity, knowledge and higher acceptance. The goal of this chapter is to provide an overview of needs, opportunities, recommendations and challenges of using (Big) Data Science technologies in the healthcare sector. This contribution is based on a recent whitepaper ( provided by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) (, the private counterpart to the EC to implement the BDV PPP (Big Data Value PPP) programme, which focuses on the challenges and impact that (Big) Data Science may have on the entire healthcare chain.
  • Publication
    Improving Word Embeddings Using Kernel PCA
    Word-based embedding approaches such as Word2Vec capture the meaning of words and relations between them, particularly well when trained with large text collections; however, they fail to do so with small datasets. Extensions such as fastText reduce the amount of data needed slightly, however, the joint task of learning meaningful morphology, syntactic and semantic representations still requires a lot of data. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to warm-start embedding models with morphological information, in order to reduce training time and enhance their performance. We use word embeddings generated using both word2vec and fastText models and enrich them with morphological information of words, derived from kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) of word similarity matrices. This can be seen as explicitly feeding the network morphological similarities and letting it learn semantic and syntactic similarities. Evaluating our models on word similarity and analogy tasks in English and German, we find that they not only achieve higher accuracies than the original skip-gram and fastText models but also require significantly less training data and time. Another benefit of our approach is that it is capable of generating a high-quality representation of infrequent words as, for example, found in very recent news articles with rapidly changing vocabularies. Lastly, we evaluate the different models on a downstream sentence classification task in which a CNN model is initialized with our embeddings and find promising results.