Verfahren zur Herstellung von Wurstwaren basierend auf Fischfleisch und Wurstwaren beinhaltend Fischfleisch
Other Title
Method for producing sausage based on fish meat, e.g. raw sausages, boiled sausage, cooked sausages or sausage spread, involves processing fish meat with ice to give starting meat
(A1) Die Erfindung betrifft ein Verfahren zur Herstellung von Wurstwaren, basierend auf Fischfleisch, wobei das Fischfleisch zusammen mit Eis zu einem Grundbraet verarbeitet wird. Die Erfindung sieht vor, dass das Eis eine Temperatur kleiner als -10°C aufweist und dass wenigstens ein Teil des Fischfleischs von einem Suesswasserwels der Ueberklasse Heterobranchidae stammt.
DE 102007025847 A1 UPAB: 20090213 NOVELTY - Fish meat based sausage production involves processing the fish meat with ice to give a starting meat. The ice is at a temperature below -10 degrees C and a part of the fish meat comes from a channel catfish of the superorder Heterobranchia. The part of the fish meat is derived from crossing of Clarias gariepinus with Heterobranchus longifillis. Additionally an insoluble micro particulate or micro-spherical protein preparations from a plant or whey protein, and a vegetable oil are also provided. USE - Method for producing sausage based on fish meat, e.g. raw sausages, boiled sausage, cooked sausages or sausage spread (all claimed). ADVANTAGE - The fish meat based sausage production method enables to produce sausage, which has almost the texture of conventional sausage products based on mammal or poultry meat, in regard to cohesive and consistency, where the texture is obtained without the addition of external fats.
Eisner, P.
Müller, K.
Zacherl, C.
Hautz, J.
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