Now showing 1 - 10 of 22
  • Publication
    Uniform instruction set extensions for multiplications in contemporary and post-quantum cryptography
    ( 2024)
    Oberhansl, Felix Fritz
    Fritzmann, Tim
    Pöppelmann, Thomas
    Basu Roy, Debapriya
    Hybrid key encapsulation is in the process of becoming the de-facto standard for integration of post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Supporting two cryptographic primitives is a challenging task for constrained embedded systems. Both contemporary cryptography based on elliptic curves or RSA and PQC based on lattices require costly multiplications. Recent works have shown how to implement lattice-based cryptography on big-integer coprocessors. We propose a novel hardware design that natively supports the multiplication of polynomials and big integers, integrate it into a RISC-V core, and extend the RISC-V ISA accordingly. We provide an implementation of Saber and X25519 to demonstrate that both lattice- and elliptic-curve-based cryptography benefits from our extension. Our implementation requires only intermediate logic overhead, while significantly outperforming optimized ARM Cortex M4 implementations, other hardware/software codesigns, and designs that rely on contemporary accelerators.
  • Publication
    Open Source Hardware Design and Hardware Reverse Engineering: A Security Analysis
    ( 2022)
    Baehr, Johanna
    Hepp, Alexander
    Brunner, Michaela
    Malenko, Maja
    Major industry-led initiatives such as RISC-V and OpenTitan strive for verified, customizable and standardized products, based on a combination of Open Source Hardware (OSHW) and custom intellectual property (IP), to be used in safety and security-critical systems. The protection of these products against reverse-engineering-based threats such as IP Theft and IP Piracy, Hardware Trojan (HT) insertion, and physical attacks is of equal importance as for closed source designs. OSHW generates novel threats to the security of a design and the protection of IP. This paper discusses to what extent OSHW reduces the difficulty of attacking a product. An analysis of the reverse engineering process shows that OSHW lowers the effort to retrieve broad knowledge about a product and decreases the success of related countermeasures. In a case study on a RISC-V core and an AES design, the red team uses knowledge about OSHW to circumvent logic locking protection and successfully identify the functionality and the used locking key. The paper concludes with an outlook on the secure protection of OSHW.
  • Publication
    On the application of Two-Photon Absorption for Laser Fault Injection attacks
    ( 2022) ;
    Pollanka, Maximilian
    Duensing, Andreas
    Wen, Hayden
    Mittermair, Michael
    Kienberger, Reinhard
    Laser Fault Injection (LFI) is considered to be the most powerful semi-invasive fault injection method for implementation attacks on security devices. In this work we discuss for the first time the application of the nonlinear Two-Photon Absorption (TPA) effect for the purpose of LFI. Though TPA is an established technique in other areas, e.g. fluorescence microscopy, so far it did not receive any attention in the field of physical attack methods on integrated circuits. We show that TPA has several superior properties over the regular linear LFI method. The TPA effect allows to work on non-thinned devices without increasing the induced energy and hence the stress on the device. In contrast to regular LFI, the nonlinearity of the TPA effect leads to increased precision due to the steeper descent in intensity and also a vertically restricted photoelectric effect. By practical experiments, we demonstrate the general applicability of the method for a specific device and that unlike a regular LFI setup, TPA-LFI is capable to inject faults without triggering a latch-up effect. In addition we discuss the possible implications of TPA-LFI on various sensor-based countermeasures.
  • Publication
    Golden Model-Free Hardware Trojan Detection by Classification of Netlist Module Graphs
    ( 2022)
    Hepp, A.
    Baehr, J.
    In a world where increasingly complex integrated circuits are manufactured in supply chains across the globe, hardware Trojans are an omnipresent threat. State-of-the-art methods for Trojan detection often require a golden model of the device under test. Other methods that operate on the netlist without a golden model cannot handle complex designs and operate on Trojan-specific sets of netlist graph features. In this work, we propose a novel machine-learning-based method for hardware Trojan detection. Our method first uses a library of known malicious and benign modules in hierarchical designs to train an eXtreme Gradient Boosted Tree Classifier (XGBClassifier). For training, we generate netlist graphs of each hierarchical module and calculate feature vectors comprising structural characteristics of these graphs. After the training phase, we can analyze the synthesized hierarchical modules of an unknown design under test. The method calculates a feature vector for each module. With this feature vector, each module can be classified into either benign or malicious by the previously trained XGBClassifier. After classifying all modules, we derive a classification for all standard cells in the design under test. This technique allows the identification of hardware Trojan cells in a design and highlights regions of interest to direct further reverse engineering efforts. Experiments show that this approach performs with >97 % Sensitivity and Specificity across available and newly generated hardware Trojan benchmarks and can be applied to more complex designs than previous netlist-based methods while maintaining similar computational complexity.
  • Publication
    A pragmatic methodology for blind hardware trojan insertion in finalized layouts
    ( 2022)
    Hepp, Alexander
    Perez, Tiago D.
    Pagliarini, Samuel Nascimento
    A potential vulnerability for integrated circuits (ICs) is the insertion of hardware trojans (HTs) during manufacturing. Understanding the practicability of such an attack can lead to appropriate measures for mitigating it. In this paper, we demonstrate a pragmatic framework for analyzing HT susceptibility of finalized layouts. Our framework is representative of a fabrication-time attack, where the adversary is assumed to have access only to a layout representation of the circuit. The framework inserts trojans into tapeoutready layouts utilizing an Engineering Change Order (ECO) flow. The attacked security nodes are blindly searched utilizing reverseengineering techniques. For our experimental investigation, we utilized three crypto-cores (AES-128, SHA-256, and RSA) and a microcontroller (RISC-V) as targets. We explored 96 combinations of triggers, payloads and targets for our framework. Our findings demonstrate that even in high-density designs, the covert insertion of sophisticated trojans is possible. All this while maintaining the original target logic, with minimal impact on power and performance. Furthermore, from our exploration, we conclude that it is too naive to only utilize placement resources as a metric for HT vulnerability. This work highlights that the HT insertion success is a complex function of the placement, routing resources, the position of the attacked nodes, and further design-specific characteristics. As a result, our framework goes beyond just an attack, we present the most advanced analysis tool to assess the vulnerability of HT insertion into finalized layouts.
  • Publication
    Counteract Side-Channel Analysis of Neural Networks by Shuffling
    ( 2022)
    Brosch, M.
    Probst, M.
    Machine learning is becoming an essential part in almost every electronic device. Implementations of neural networks are mostly targeted towards computational performance or memory footprint. Nevertheless, security is also an important part in order to keep the network secret and protect the intellectual property associated to the network. Especially, since neural network implementations are demonstrated to be vulnerable to side-channel analysis, powerful and computational cheap countermeasures are in demand. In this work, we apply a shuffling countermeasure to a microcontroller implementation of a neural network to prevent side-channel analysis. The countermeasure is effective while the computational overhead is low. We investigate the extensions necessary for our countermeasure, and how shuffling increases the effort for an attack in theory. In addition, we demonstrate the increase in effort for an attacker through experiments on real side-channel measurements. Based on the mechanism of shuffling and our experimental results, we conclude that an attack on a commonly used neural network with shuffling is no longer feasible in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Publication
    Hardware Accelerated FrodoKEM on RISC-V
    ( 2022)
    Karl, P.
    Fritzmann, T.
    FrodoKEM is an alternative finalist in the currently running standardization process for post-quantum secure cryptography, initiated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). It is based on the well studied plain Learning With Errors (LWE) problem, leading to a high confidence in security. Its conservative design approach, however, makes it less performant when compared to other lattice-based candidates. In this work, we assemble a RISC-V based HW/SW codesign of FrodoKEM to speed up its computation. Our design supports all three parameter sets of the NIST submission. Compared to plain SW implementations on RISC-V, our accelerated design achieves speedup factors of up to 8.13.
  • Publication
    Toward a Human-Readable State Machine Extraction
    ( 2022)
    Brunner, M.
    Hepp, A.
    Baehr, J.
    The target of sequential reverse engineering is to extract the state machine of a design. Sequential reverse engineering of a gate-level netlist consists of the identification of so-called state flip-flops (sFFs), as well as the extraction of the state machine. The second step can be solved with an exact approach if the correct sFFs and the correct reset state are provided. For the first step, several more or less heuristic approaches exist. This work investigates sequential reverse engineering with the objective of a human-readable state machine extraction. A human-readable state machine reflects the original state machine and is not overloaded by additional design information. For this purpose, the work derives a systematic categorization of sFF sets, based on properties of single sFFs and their sets. These properties are determined by analyzing the degrees of freedom in describing state machines as the well-known Moore and Mealy machines. Based on the systematic categorization, this work presents an sFF set definition for a human-readable state machine, categorizes existing sFF identification strategies, and develops four post-processing methods. The results show that post-processing predominantly improves the outcome of several existing sFF identification algorithms.
  • Publication
    Timing Camouflage Enabled State Machine Obfuscation
    ( 2022)
    Brunner, Michaela
    Ibrahimpašić, Tarik
    Li, Bing
    Zhang, Grace Li
    Schlichtmann, Ulf
    State machine obfuscation is an important step to harden circuits against reverse engineering. The work presents a state machine obfuscation enabled by Timing Camouflage. Flip-flops of state machines often have a combinational feedback path. This makes it challenging to directly apply Timing Camouflage. Therefore, we developed two methods to redesign a state machine, such that at least one of its flip-flops is free of combinational feedback paths while the original functionality stays the same. The Timing Camouflage enabled state machine obfuscation additionally allows a beneficial combination with logic locking. The results demonstrate that state-of-the-art techniques fail to extract a correct state machine or show decreased success in extracting a correct secret locking key from an obfuscated design.
  • Publication
    ROPAD: Enhancing the Digital Ring Oscillator Probing Attempt Detector for Protecting Irregular Data Buses
    ( 2022)
    Moghadas, Seyed Hamidreza
    Pehl, Michael
    Microprobing is applied to intercept data from on-chip signals, such as data passing through a data bus. Hence, it allows for extracting a full dump of this data, e.g., the firmware of a microcontroller, cryptographic key material, or any other type of passing data on the physical metal lines and/or the physical cells of the data bus connected to the metal lines. It is categorized as an invasive and physical attack vector against which software measures are insufficient for protection. As a countermeasure detecting microprobing attacks and enabling appropriate protection mechanisms, we propose a new probing detector for an industrial sub-40-nm advanced process node. It is based on ring oscillators (ROs), which are formed from the data bus lines. The oscillation frequency, caused by the capacity of bus lines, is measured and compared to detect any attached microprobes. The concept is optimized for detection of placed microprobes on both regular and irregular data buses or on any other pair of lines. For this purpose, a statistics-driven decision is made to distinguish probed from not probed lines. To improve the concept for high capacitance irregular lines, a hybrid design and test time calibration is proposed and analyzed, which shows the applicability of the concept under irregular bus lines, local variations, and jittery conditions. The results show that the approach results in low false positive (FP) and false negative (FN) rate at lower overhead comparing with alternative approaches.