January 31, 2024
Book Article
Green Warehousing: Transitioning towards net-zero logistics sites
Other Title
Green Warehousing: Transition towards net-zero logistics sites
In recent years, green warehousing has become more and more in focus among both practi-tioners and academics. Companies - e.g., logistics service providers, manufacturers, and retailers - have started looking for solutions to decrease the environmental impact of their logis-tics facilities, improve energy efficiency, and achieve greener warehousing processes. On the academic side, a growing number of studies have been published on warehouse environmental sustainability. Still, many issues are under debate, such as how to cope with performance assessment and benchmarking, what green measures to implement and how they impact company business and performance. Also, a need for examples and best practices has emerged to help companies understand the roadmap to be embraced towards net-zero logistics sites. This chapter is intended to provide practitioners with some guidance on the actions and tools that can be leveraged to improve the environmental performance of their logistics nodes.