Conference Paper
Unbemannte Erfassung von (alt-)bergbaulicher Infrastruktur
Der Beitrag beleuchtet den Einsatz unbemannter Technologien zur Überwachung von Bergwerken und stellt eine Systematik zur Vorauswahl vor. Anhand zwei Projekten an der Technischen Universität Clausthal werden Herausforderung, technische Ansätze und Perspektiven aufgezeigt.
The capturing and monitoring of underground cavities are fundamental aspects of sustainable mining practices and are essential for ensuring safety, integrity, and operational efficiency throughout the lifecycle of a mine. In a comprehensive study, unmanned technologies were evaluated for their suitability under various environmental conditions across the phases of an underground mine's lifecycle. Given the challenges posed by the inaccessible and often hazardous conditions in decommissioned mines, several projects have emerged at the Institute of Mining at Clausthal University of Technology to address this issue. A pilot project for the exploration of flooded mines using diving robots is currently being conducted by the RAG Aktiengesellschaft in cooperation with the Institute of Mining at Clausthal University of Techology and the Department of Underwater Robotics at the Fraunhofer Institute for Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation. The primary objective of this project is to develop a logistics concept that enables the safe deployment and retrieval of a modular robot system into and out of a shaft. The modular design of the robotic system allows for the customization of sensors to meet the specific requirements of individual mines, thereby ensuring effective and comprehensive exploration. In parallel, the EAGruMO project focuses on the exploration of dewatering adits in the Upper Harz region, specifically the Ernst-August Stollen. Still in the Post-Mining stage, it continues to play a significant role in the region's water management. The exploration utilizes advanced measurement technol-ogies that allow for both spatial and qualitative investigations of the adit and mine systems. The goal is to develop an autonomous mobile multi-sensor platform capable of capturing relevant water quality parameters and collecting digital data. These data are crucial for the development of post-mining utilization concepts that can generate additional value beyond cultural heritage preservation, such as the use of geothermal energy or the generation of electricity through hydro-power