February 2025
Journal Article
Discovering partially ordered workflow models
In many real-world scenarios, processes naturally define partial orders over their constituent tasks. Partially ordered representations can be exploited in process discovery as they facilitate modeling such processes. The Partially Ordered Workflow Language (POWL) extends partially ordered representations with control-flow operators to support modeling common process constructs such as choice and loop structures. POWL integrates the hierarchical nature of process trees with the flexibility of partially ordered representations, opening up significant opportunities in process discovery. This paper presents and compares various approaches for the automated discovery of POWL models. We investigate the effects of applying varying validity criteria to partial orders, and we propose methods for incorporating frequency information to improve the quality of the discovered models. Additionally, we propose alternative visualizations for POWL models, offering different approaches that may be useful in various contexts. The discovery approaches are evaluated using various real-life data sets, demonstrating the ability of POWL models to capture complex process structures.