Conference Paper
Drone detection, recognition and assistance system for C-UAV with optical and radar sensors
Drones are being used more and more frequently and in various ways to attack people and critical infrastructures, which increases their level of danger and makes early detection and risk assessment even more difficult. There is no ultimate drone sensor. Rather, drones can only be effectively detected, if suitable sensor technologies are integrated within a system. Among the best suited sensorics for this purpose are radar and optical sensors, because the advantage of the radar, given by the long detection range, can be well combined with the additional visual-based information gained from a camera in the mid- and short-range, where usually the radar fails detecting micro drones. In this paper a modular drone detection and assistance system MODEAS is presented, which can be used to automatically detect and track drones within a range up to some kilometers on the sky, but also in complex urban environments, where buildings and vegetation offer a perfect background for camouflage. The system provides an early detection of flying objects as potential drones, when those are not at all or only as small dots visible for the human eye. Main strengths of the system are the robust AI detection to differentiate such an object against clutter (birds, clouds) and its further classification by model and payload recognition, the last being considered as an indication of dangerousness. Moreover, once a drone is detected, the system follows it automatically, precisely and smoothly with a high-resolution pan-tilt-camera, measuring the distance to the sensor station with a laser rangefinder, compute the geocoordinates and visualize them live on a map. To improve the precision of the detection, a multisensorial fusion of all sensor detections is performed. Furthermore, alarms may be generated when a drone enters a restricted area.