Conference Paper
A Predictive Operation Management Scheme for Hydrogen Networks based on the Method of Characteristics
As future hydrogen networks will be strongly linked to the electricity system via electrolysers and hydrogen power plants, challenges will arise for their operation. A suitable response to phenomena, such as rapidly changing boundary conditions and unbalanced supply and demand, requires the implementation of operational concepts based on transient pipe models. The transient pipe flow can be described by the isothermal Euler equations, which we discretize using an explicit Method Of Characteristics. Based on this, we develop a nonlinear space-time discretized network model that incorporates various other components, including hydrogen storage facilities, active elements such as valves and compressor stations, as well as electrolyzers and fuel cells. This network model serves as the foundation for the development of a tailored economic model predictive control algorithm designed for fast timescales. The algorithm enables controlled pressure changes within specified bounds in response to changes in supply and demand while simultaneously minimizing fast pressure fluctuations in the pipelines. Through a detailed case study, we demonstrate the algorithm's proficiency in addressing these transient operation challenges.