Conference Paper
Thin film black coatings based on interference and absorption
Light-absorbing black coatings are indispensable for many different optical applications. Thin-film interference coatings can be flexibly adapted to different wavelengths. To generate an effective (> 99 %) light absorption of an interference coating, the interference effect needs to be combined with a well-defined absorption of the layer’s material. On this basis, different black absorber coatings were developed and deposited on optical components for actual applications. A wideband black absorber for 400 -1000 nm wavelength on a space spectrometer slit, a bi-directional black coating for a single wavelength in the VIS, which can be wet-chemically etched for micro-patterning, and a black aperture for NIR and SWIR light on the exit face of a dispersion prism are presented.