Journal Article
Der Mensch in der intelligenten Fabrik
Title Supplement
Human-in-the-Loop - ein menschzentrierter Ansatz für die Wissenserweiterung mit maschinellem Lernen
Other Title
The Human in the Smart Factory : Human-in-The-Loop - a Human-centered Approach to Knowledge Augmentation with Machine Learning
In diesem Beitrag wird eine Methode skizziert, um den Menschen zielführend in einen geschlossenen Informationskreislauf zur Prozessüberwachung mit maschinellem Lernen einzubinden. Dabei werden gängige und bereits etablierte Werkzeuge zum Informationsaustausch wie Qualitätsregelkarten (QRK) und die Fehlermöglichkeits- und Einflussanalyse (FMEA) herangezogen.
The seamless merging of the physical and digital worlds, has led to an unprecedented increase in the speed at which automation can be introduced into production. can be introduced. Smart manufacturing systems will, at a fundamental level, enable the use of artificial intelligence (AI) through machine learning (ML). This involves the alignment of information flows through suitable interfaces to humans is essential. is indispensable. This human-centered approach is referred to as Industry 5.0 (I5.0) or the human-centered approach (HCA) [1, 2]. The prioritization of people can be achieved prioritization can be achieved by placing the process-related interests of people at the at the center of production monitoring and relying on technologies that help employees by developing knowledge and skills, initiate optimizations.