Conference Paper
10.000 dpi 0.18in low-power OLED microdisplay utilizing a new flexible architecture in 28nm CMOS technology
It is commonly known for digital logic integrated circuitries that they heavily scale with down-scaling of the process node enabling the integration of more functionality. However, this was not true so far for OLED microdisplays which were basically stuck at 90nm…250nm process nodes for several reasons. This paper will present a new approach to realize a microdisplay architecture with extended functionality as well as a first implementation in 28nm utilizing very small pixels of 2.5um, a flexible interface architecture, framerates up to 10kHz along with integration of totally new driving schemes to serve the power and form factor requirements of upcoming near-to-eye systems in AR/VR/MR applications.
Wartenberg, Philipp
Fritscher, Andreas
Richter, Bernd
Damnik, Steffen
Schuster, Florian
Schlebusch, Dirk
Rolle, Martin
Brenner, Stephan
Zeltner, Johannes