Conference Paper
Modular Digital Production Twin as Enabler for Sustainable Value Creation
Title Supplement
The Case of Urban Environments
Climate change and progressing urbanization urge to increase sustainability in all areas – not only, but especially in manufacturing. Digitization and particularly digital twins enable a more efficient, decentralized, and small-scale production. This helps companies to reduce the usage of natural resources and the overall environmental impact. Corresponding modular digital twins represent one configuration and must be configured specifically according to individual production orders. The determination of required type, amount and linkage of integrated data and partial models of the production processes and plants is complex. However, this determination is required to choose suitable tools for the digital factory and to adapt processes accordingly. The objective of this paper is to provide a concept for a modular digital production twin with integrated partial models as enabler for sustainable value creation. The concept will be concretized by means of requirements from an urban environment.