Conference Paper
Liveness Detection Competition - Noncontact-based Fingerprint Algorithms and Systems (LivDet-2023 Noncontact Fingerprint)
Liveness Detection (LivDet) is an international competition series open to academia and industry with the objective to assess and report state-of-the-art in Presentation Attack Detection (PAD). LivDet-2023 Noncontact Fingerprint is the first edition of the noncontact fingerprint-based PAD competition for algorithms and systems. The competition serves as an important benchmark in noncontact-based fingerprint PAD, offering (a) independent assessment of the state-of-the-art in noncontact-based fingerprint PAD for algorithms and systems, and (b) common evaluation protocol, which includes finger photos of a variety of Presentation Attack Instruments (PAIs) and live fingers to the biometric research community (c) provides standard algorithm and system evaluation protocols, along with the comparative analysis of state-of-the-art algorithms from academia and industry with both old and new android smartphones. The winning algorithm achieved an APCER of 11.35% averaged over all PAIs and a BPCER of 0.62%. The winning system achieved an APCER of 13.0.4%, averaged over all PAIs tested over all the smartphones, and a BPCER of 1.68% over all smartphones tested. Four-finger systems that make individual finger-based PAD decisions were also tested. The dataset used for competition will be available, to all researchers as per data share protocol. https://noncontactfingerprint2023.1ivdet.org/index.php
Branche: Information Technology
Research Line: Computer vision (CV)
Research Line: Human computer interaction (HCI)
Research Line: Machine learning (ML)
LTA: Interactive decision-making support and assistance systems
LTA: Machine intelligence, algorithms, and data structures (incl. semantics)
LTA: Generation, capture, processing, and output of images and 3D models
Machine learning
Spoofing attacks
Fingerprint recognition