June 20, 2023
Conference Paper
Delay Monitoring in Liner Shipping Increasing the Transparency of Maritime Supply Chains
Our work discusses the importance of service quality and reliability in commercial shipping: Four key factors influence shipper satisfaction, namely reliability, speed, responsiveness, and value, with reliability being the most important. An approach to add transparency in liner shipping by analyzing AIS data is presented. The approach is based on detecting recurring behavior, such as stopping points, and can identify vessels engaged in liner services, calculate time spent at berth, analyze the composition of transit time, and estimate transit delays. The approach was applied to an AIS dataset of 2019 from the Danish Maritime Authority to benchmark terminals and vessels for four use cases. The proposed method involves generating a grid with points at predefined locations, assigning reported GPS positions to the closest grid point and has benefits regarding computational complexity for post-analysis of huge AIS datasets and real-time capabilities for online services.
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