Conference Paper
Higher-order 3D-shell elements and anisotropic 3D yield functions for improved sheet metal forming simulations: Part I
Sheet metal forming simulations are crucial in various industries, such as automotive, aerospace, and construction. These simulations are commonly carried out using Reissner-Mindlin shell elements, which involve certain simplifying assumptions about zero normal stress in shell normal direction and cross-sectional fibers remaining straight during deformation [1]. Because of this, the material model needs to be modified and no three-dimensional material model can be used. However, in critical forming situations such as bending with small radii relative to the sheet thickness, these assumptions do not hold, resulting in inaccurate simulation results. To address this issue, a higher-order 3D-shell element that incorporates a full three-dimensional constitutive model and that can account for crosssectional warping and higher-order strain distributions has been developed [2]. First findings on the benefits of using higher-order 3D-shell elements for accurately modeling sheet metal forming processes were presented in [3]. The objective of this study is to expand upon this work by assessing the accuracy of simulations utilizing the higher-order 3D-shell element for critical sheet metal forming processes. Results of simulations with the higher-order 3D-shell elements are compared to experimental data and results obtained from simulations with solid elements and Reissner-Mindlin shell elements. It is demonstrated that simulations with higher-order 3D-shell elements provide more accurate predictions in sheet metal forming processes than the standard modeling approach, including but not limited to stress. Furthermore, we aim to support the efficient utilization of the higher-order 3D-shell element by identifying situations in which the additional deformation modes of this element are beneficial, and in which application of a standard shell element suffices. To achieve this, we analyze the influence of its higher-order deformation modes on the strain for parameter alterations in benchmark problems. To aid the modeling decision, mesh studies are conducted to quantify the influence of the element size on the results quality. Lastly, a comparison of numerical efficiency of different element formulations is given, showing the high efficiency of higher-order 3D-shell elements compared to solid elements. This contribution is part one of a two-part series that aims to present recent improvements of sheet metal forming simulations through a combination of higher-order 3D-shell elements and anisotropic 3D yield models. Part I focuses on the assessment of higher-order 3D-shell elements, while Part II investigates the effect of anisotropic 3D yield models with respect to the in-plane and out-of-plane behavior on sheet metal forming simulations. Together, these contributions aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the latest advances obtained in a joint research project at the Fraunhofer IWM in Freiburg and the Institute for Structural Mechanics at the University of Stuttgart.
Verbesserte Blechumformsimulation durch 3D-Werkstoffmodelle und erweiterte Schalenformulierungen – Teil 2
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie -BMWI-
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz -BMWK-