Bachelor Thesis
User-Centered Table Augmentation
Other Title
Nutzerzentrierte Tabellenerweiterung
The constantly growing amount of data on the Internet poses new challenges for the development of user interfaces that allow this data to be handled. This thesis deals with the topic of usability in the context of a user interface for table expansion based on existing data from a database. An existing prototype was revised in terms of usability using the user-centered design approach. The prototype was analyzed, user interface requirements were defined from a user’s perspective and new concepts were developed to improve usability. Relevant principles and rules for good usability were taken up and served as a basis for revision. The results were then tested in a user study. This involved comparing the original version with the revised version as well as comparing different versions of features with each other. The study allowed conclusions to be drawn about the effects of the revision on usability of the system and an outlook for further research could be provided.
Thesis Note
Darmstadt, TU, Bachelor Thesis, 2023