Journal Article
Exploring Implementation Barriers of Machine Learning in Production Planning and Control
This paper studies the challenges encountered during the implementation of machine learning (ML) applications in production planning and control (PPC) functions of manufacturing companies. The application of ML in PPC promises numerous benefits, and several studies have revealed the positive impact of such an implementation on key performance indicators of production systems, such as lead time, due date reliability, and inventory levels. However, despite the theoretical potential and the increased research interest in the field over the last five years, practical applications remain rare and discourse on the existence of this gap between research and practice remains relatively sparse. In this paper, we identify general ML implementation barriers in the manufacturing domain based on a structured literature review and evaluate the relevance of these barriers within the PPC domain by interviewing ML and PPC experts. This research is beneficial for practitioners and researchers who aim to implement ML applications in PPC by enabling them to evaluate the possible barriers and challenges during implementation projects within their organizations.