Conference Paper
Microdoping of Layers for High Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells
Within this paper two approaches have been attempted to improve the interfaces of silicon heterojunction devices, either intrinsic amorphous silicon a-Si:H(i) to doped layer a-Si:H(n) or a-Si:H(i) layer to silicon oxide and nanocrystalline layer nc-Si:H (n or p). For the conventional a-Si:H based device, microdoping was implemented in the i2 layer of the a-Si:H(i) layer stack, aiming to increase the fill factor. An improvement in fill factor of up to 0.5%abs. was shown by introducing microdoping into a fraction of the i2 layer, resulting in an improved efficiency reaching 23.4% compared to the undoped reference at 23.2%. For "next generation" SHJ devices based on nc-Si:H, microdoping was implemented in the interfacial silicon oxide layer. For nc-Si:H(n) the fill factor showed a gain of up to 0.3%abs. compared with the undoped group, with the best cell reaching 22.9% efficiency. When introducing microdoping in the silicon oxide layer for nc-Si:H(p), a similar trend is observed as an increase in FF of ~0.3%abs. compared with undoped group drives the efficiency for the best cell at 23%. The two microdoping approaches decreased the series resistance, positively affecting the fill factor.
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