Summary report of the results to the open public consultation. Industrial Carbon Management
Title Supplement
Prepared for European Commission, DG ENER under contract N° ENER/C2/2019-456/ SI2.840317
Other Title
EnTEC - Summary report of the results to the Open Public Consultation: Industrial Carbon Management
This report provides an analysis of the responses received to the Open Public Consultation (OPC) on ‘Industrial Carbon Management‘, organised in the context of the European Commission's communication on an EU strategy for establishing an industrial carbon management market by 2030 (EU Strategy), which is due for publication by Q1 of 2024. The EU Strategy will outline how such technologies can best contribute to the objective of reaching climate-neutrality for the EU by 2050 and set a strategic vision for industrial carbon management in the EU. The OPC aimed to gather insights from stakeholders on various Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) and Industrial Carbon Removal (ICRs)-related issues regarding a comprehensive EU approach to Industrial Carbon Management, including specific policy recommendations, within the context of the EU Strategy. The report is structured based on four main themes around which the questionnaire responses have been grouped. These are: Relevance of CCS, CCU and/or Industrial Carbon Removals for the EU climate goals, Role of the European Commission in relation to CCS, CCU and/or Industrial Carbon Removals, Main challenges and policy options to address them, and Any other topics. In addition to the analysis of the OPC responses (OPC survey) which are analysed in chapter 2, this report also provides a summary of the written feedback and documents supplied as attachments to the “call for evidence” under the OPC summarised under chapter 3.
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