Exploring Innovative Technology Fields for a Circular Bio-Based Economy
Title Supplement
Publikation zu "Deliverable 1.5.1: Innovation data and tech trends monitoring" Monitoring Bioökonomie: SYMOBIO 2.0 - Konsolidierung des Systemischen Monitorings und Modellierung der Bioökonomie
The report provides an overview of the assessment of the 12 technology fields in regard to explore the potential development, transformative nature, and impact of bio-based innovations on further deployment of bioeconomy. This assessment reveals a diverse range of innovations driving the bioeconomy. From alternative proteins and carbon capture and use to biopharmaceuticals and in-novative wood products, each technology field presents unique opportunities and challenges. The innovations vary in their disruptiveness, dominant type of innovation, economic relevance, and po-tential ecological and social impacts. The report explored different typologies of innovations in the bioeconomy and their connection to sustainable development goals. The assessment highlights the disruptive potential of various technology fields, with some innova-tions having the capacity to transform entire value chains and industries. While certain technologies offer gradual advances and efficiency gains, others have the potential to create entirely new markets and business opportunities. Identifying pivotal technology fields and understanding their disruptive nature is crucial to capture the trends and developments in the bioeconomy.
Systemisches Monitoring und Modellierung der Bioökonomie