Conference Paper
How reliable are posterior class probabilities in automatic music classification?
Music classification algorithms use signal processing and machine learning approaches to extract and enrich metadata for audio recordings in music archives. Common tasks include music genre classification, where each song is assigned a single label (such as Rock, Pop, or Jazz), and musical instrument classification. Since music metadata can be ambiguous, classification algorithms cannot always achieve fully accurate predictions. Therefore, our focus extends beyond the correctly estimated class labels to include realistic confidence values for each potential genre or instrument label. In practice, many state-of-the-art classification algorithms based on deep neural networks exhibit overconfident predictions, complicating the interpretation of the final output values. In this work, we examine whether the issue of overconfident predictions and, consequently, non-representative confidence values is also relevant to music genre classification and musical instrument classification. Moreover, we describe techniques to mitigate this behavior and assess the impact of deep ensembles and temperature scaling in generating more realistic confidence outputs, which can be directly employed in real-world music tagging applications.