Journal Article
On Welding of High-Strength Steels Using Laser Beam Welding and Resistance Spot Weld Bonding with Emphasis on Seam Leak Tightness
The design of most electric vehicles provides for the positioning of the heavy energy storage units in the underbody of the cars. In addition to crash safety, the battery housing has to meet high requirements for gas tightness. In order to test the use of high-strength steels for this sub-assembly, this paper examines welded joints utilizing resistance spot weld bonding and laser remote welding, with special regard to the gas tightness of the welds. For this purpose, the pressure difference test and helium sniffer leak detection are presented and applied. The combination of both leak test methods has proven ideal in experimental investigations. For laser remote welding, gas-tight seams can be achieved with an inter-sheet gap of 0.1 mm, even if occasionally leaking samples cannot be prevented. Resistance spot welding suits gas-tight joining with both one- and two-component adhesives. Against the background of leak tightness, process fluctuations that lead to weld spatter and defects in the adhesive layer must be prevented with high priority.
Open Access
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