Journal Article
Hall viscosity and hydrodynamic inverse Nernst effect in graphene
Motivated by Hall viscosity measurements in graphene sheets, we study hydrodynamic transport of electrons in a channel of finite width in external electric and magnetic fields. We consider electric charge densities varying from close to the Dirac point up to the Fermi-liquid regime. We find two competing contributions to the hydrodynamic Hall and inverse Nernst signals that originate from the Hall viscous and Lorentz forces. This competition leads to a nonlinear dependence of the full signals on the magnetic field and even a cancellation at different critical field values for both signals. In particular, the hydrodynamic inverse Nernst signal in the Fermi-liquid regime is dominated by the Hall viscous contribution. We further show that a finite channel width leads to a suppression of the Lorenz ratio, while the magnetic field enhances this ratio. All of these effects are predicted in parameter regimes accessible in experiments.