Conference Paper
High-brightness OLED-on-silicon on semitransparent CMOS backplane for advanced near-to-eye microdisplays
Emissive OLED-on-silicon microdisplays have been considered being opaque only so far. However, modern and advanced silicon CMOS process nodes are increasingly made on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrates. By separating the SOI handle wafer from the buried oxide (BOX) layer (that has the active silicon on top) and applying space-cautious layout design of the CMOS active devices as well as wiring layers it is possible to achieve semitransparent, high-resolution CMOS backplanes for microdisplays. Similar to regular OLED-on-silicon the emissive frontplane becomes embedded by waferlevel OLED post-processing. Yet, depending on pixel density and array layout a microdisplay transparency of <20% can be achieved now. Consequently, the semi-transparent microdisplay becomes the optical combiner itself, eliminating the exit pupil expander (EPE), which drastically improves the optical efficiency from the light source into the eye box. Additionally, new high-brightness OLED achieving <35kcd/m² in monochrome, or 10kcd/m² in color versions, and their integration onto the OLED-on-SOI platform and an ultra-low power pixel cell backplane architecture (power consumption <10mW) pave the way for matching both form factor and battery life requirements in optical see-through NTE, enabling new optical concepts for augmented-reality (AR) devices.
Wartenberg, Philipp
Richter, Bernd
Brenner, Stephan
Zeltner, Johannes
Schmidt, Christian
Baumgarten, Judith
Fritscher, Andreas
Rolle, Martin
Törker, Michael