C-band Photonic Power Converters based on InGaAs Absorber in Substrate and Thin-film & Single- and Multi-Junction Configuration
Title Supplement
Presentation held at 5th Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference, OWPT 2023, April 18 - 21, 2023, online/venue hybrid conference in Japan, Yokohama
Photonic power converters for C-band optical wavelengths are developed. Photovoltaic cells based on In0.53Ga0.47As absorber material grown lattice-matched on InP substrate are grown and fabricated as single-junctions as well as multi-junction stacks. Thin film single-junction cells are realized by wet chemical removal of the InP substrate. A Au back reflector is implemented and increases voltage by up to 11 mV. 10-junction devices are demonstrated including measurement results under 1522 nm laser light. They demonstrate the capability of multiplying the output voltage.