Conference Paper
Active Reflected Power Cancellation (RPC) for Pulsed Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) Radar Systems
Due to new technological advancements in the field of communication and radar the demand for frequency spectrum is increasing. As the usable spectrum is inherently limited, this leads to congestion and, in some cases, a contested EM spectrum situation. There is also a technology trend towards Multi-Platform and Multi-Functional RF Systems (MPRFS and MFRFS) that combine various RF resources such as multiple different radar modes with communications and Electronic Warfare (EW) systems into a common (shared) RF architecture. To fully utilise the potential of MPRFS and MFRFS the ability to simultaneously transmit and receive is required. This forms the motivation for the present research in which Simultaneous Transmit and Receive (STAR) systems are modelled and demonstrated to achieve full-duplex spectral efficiency. As typical Reflected Power Cancellation (RPC) approaches suffer from a small relative bandwidth, this paper investigates the usability of active RPC for pulsed radar systems.