Journal Article
TABSOLARⓇ - a novel approach of thermo-active (solar) building systems based on ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC)
TABSOLARⓇ elements are novel (solar) thermal components made from ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) which can be used as designable glazed or unglazed façade cladding elements or thermo-active building systems for heating and/or cooling. They are produced with an innovative production technology which is developed in a current research project together with appropriate system concepts. In order to simplify the system design process and visualize possible TABSOLARⓇ façades on site, new software tools are being developed. Finally, a demonstration façade will be installed on a renovated two-family residential building. The ongoing interactive design process of this first use case is an important part of the project and the overall TABSOLARⓇ concept.