April 2023
Journal Article
Simulating the Impact of Glassy Carbon Foam Electrodes on the Performance of Sodium Iodine Batteries
This publication examines the influences of glassy carbon foam electrodes on the overall battery performance of secondary sodium iodine batteries. The battery combines a molten sodium anode and an iodine-based cathode with NaSICON serving as a ceramic separator. The battery system works at 100 °C and is suitable for stationary energy storage. A long cycle life and good resource utilization are major concerns for establishing the proposed battery system. This paper employs a spatially resolved simulation approach to investigate the effects of foam electrodes of different porosities and cell sizes on the charging and discharging behavior. The spatially resolved model reflects species and mass transport as well as electrochemical processes and reactions in the positive half cell. An open-pored glassy carbon foam cathode structure shows an improved utilizable capacity compared to a simpler two-dimensional electrode. Parameter studies of foam porosity and specific surface area indicate that porosity is the crucial parameter for achievable depth of discharge. We conclude that glassy carbon open-pored foam of preferably high porosity is a suitable material for cathode electrodes in sodium iodine batteries.
Gerbig, Felix
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering and Mechanics
Open Access
CC BY 4.0: Creative Commons Attribution