FutureHotel - Post Corona Hotel Era
Title Supplement
The Influence of Current Trends on the Hotel of the Future and its User Groups
A Study of the Joint Research Project FutureHotel
The »FutureHotel - Post Corona Hotel Era« study presents overall societal trend developments and their impact on the hotel industry. This leads to initial recommendations for action. The study results are based on literature research and empirical data. In a regular exchange with hotel industry experts from the research and innovation network FutureHotel the results were discussed and assessed which enriched the applied research perspective. The study is aimed at experts in the hotel industry, destinations, infrastructure providers, service sectors, and those interested in trend analysis and future forecasts. The world is changing at an unprecedented speed. Climate change is accelerating and presenting us with ever greater challenges. Factors such as globalization, the development of new technologies and the emergence of new social systems demand innovative approaches to solutions. The changes are complex, and so are the impacts on our planet, economy and society. At the same time, these fundamental changes in all areas of life can only be predicted to a limited extent. This is where trend analysis comes in. To structure the analysis of a complex future and develop applicable solutions, it is necessary to take a look at the ecological, economic, political and social changes. Therefore, this study includes a total of ten different trend fields: Mobility & Logistics, Habitat & Real Estate, Sustainability & Responsibility, New Working World & MICE, Society & Individuals, Market & Competition, Political Framework Conditions & Economy, New Technologies & Digital Transformation, Food & Health, Leisure & Behavior.
Based on developments in the aforementioned ten trend fields, the study offers initial approaches for translating social, political, economical, and environmental change to the hotel industry. Future potentials were identified in the following areas: Social Value of Sustainability, Individuality of Lifestyles, Lack of Availability of Resources, Change in the Office and Working World, Importance of Communities, The Rise of Virtual Platforms Excitement for Emotional Experience.
Based on developments in the aforementioned ten trend fields, the study offers initial approaches for translating social, political, economical, and environmental change to the hotel industry. Future potentials were identified in the following areas: Social Value of Sustainability, Individuality of Lifestyles, Lack of Availability of Resources, Change in the Office and Working World, Importance of Communities, The Rise of Virtual Platforms Excitement for Emotional Experience.
Fraunhofer IAO
Under Copyright