September 2022
Journal Article
Ökobilanzierung adaptiver Hüllen und Strukturen
Life cycle assessment of adaptive skins and structuresThe assessment of environmental impacts is crucial in the de-velopment of sustainable and environmentally friendly techno-logies and concepts. The development of adaptive buildings is no exception and also places far-reaching demands on all dis-ciplines involved. The full integration of life cycle assessment into the planning and design process makes it possible to use environmental impacts as optimization parameters in the com-plex, dynamic calculation tools. The results of SFB 1244to date confirm that adaptive load-bearing structures and façades have great potential for saving resources and environmental impacts. The holistic approach, both in terms of the life cycle and the interdisciplinary dependencies, ensures that the rele-vant effects and influences are taken into account in the as-sessment. However, this confronts the life cycle assessment method with new challenges in dealing with a large number of variants and the extensive interactions between design and in-fluences on parameters in the use phase, such as energy con-sumption or service life.
Kreimeyer, Matthias
Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Konstruktionstechnik und Technisches Design IKTD
SFB 1244
Fraunhofer Group
Werkstoffe, Bauteile – Materials