Conference Paper
Knowledge Engineering and Ontology for Crime Investigation
Building upon the possibilities of technologies like ontology engineering, knowledge representational models, and semantic reasoning, our work presented in this paper, which has been performed within the collaborative research project PREVISION (Prediction and Visual Intelligence for Security Information), co-funded by the European Commission within Horizon 2020 programme, is going to support Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) in their critical need to exploit all available resources, and handling the large amount of diversified media modalities to effectively carry out criminal investigation.
A series of tools have been developed within PREVISION which provide LEAs with the capabilities of analyzing and exploiting multiple massive data streams coming from social networks, the open web, the Darknet, traffic and financial data sources, etc. and to semantically integrate these into dynamic knowledge graphs that capture the structure, interrelations and trends of terrorist groups and individuals and Organized Crime Groups (OCG).
The paper at hand focuses on the developed ontology, the tool for Semantic Reasoning and the knowledge base and knowledge visualization.
A series of tools have been developed within PREVISION which provide LEAs with the capabilities of analyzing and exploiting multiple massive data streams coming from social networks, the open web, the Darknet, traffic and financial data sources, etc. and to semantically integrate these into dynamic knowledge graphs that capture the structure, interrelations and trends of terrorist groups and individuals and Organized Crime Groups (OCG).
The paper at hand focuses on the developed ontology, the tool for Semantic Reasoning and the knowledge base and knowledge visualization.