Conference Paper
Local power system restoration and islanded operation with combined heat and power plants and integration of wind power
Long lasting black outs of the interconnected electric power system will have a severe impact on economy, private and public life as well as the infrastructure of the power system itself. Especially at very low temperatures, there is the risk of damage to plants and heat networks through freezing. Power system restoration of a domestic distribution grid using plants available at the time of a disturbance is a way to mitigate these risks. This paper describes a feasibility study conducted in cooperation with Städtische Werke Netz + Service GmbH, a municipal DSO operating the distribution (high-, medium- and low voltage) grid in the city of Kassel, Germany. The potential for local supply, the constraints of the current system and required preparations have been investigated. For this purpose, dynamic models of the relevant components were created, partly also validated with actual measurements, and simulations conducted.