Assessment and exemplary solutions for cost reduction in the design and construction process. Deliverable D3.1
This report is one of the outcomes of the work within CoNZEBs. CoNZEBs is a EU Horizon 2020 project on the topic 'Cost reduction of new Nearly Zero‐Energy buildings' (call H2020‐EE‐2016‐CSA, topic EE‐13‐2016). The planned work can be summarised as follows:CoNZEBs identifies and assesses technology solution sets that lead to significant costreductions of new Nearly Zero‐Energy Buildings (NZEBs). The focus of the project is on multifamilyhouses. Close cooperation with housing associations allows for an intensive interaction with stakeholders and tenants. The project starts by setting baseline costs for conventional new buildings, currently available NZEBs and buildings that go beyond the NZEB level based on the experience of the consortium. It analyses planning and construction processes to identify possible cost reductions. An investigation of end‐users' experiences and expectations together with a guide onco‐benefits of NZEBs promotes living in these buildings and enhances the energy performance by conducive user behaviour. The technology solution sets include approaches that can reduce costs for installations or generation systems, pre‐fabrication and construction acceleration, local low temperature district heating including RES, and many more. All solution sets are assessed regarding cost savings, energy performance and applicability in multi‐family houses. A life cycle assessment of different building levels and NZEBs using the solution sets provides a longer‐term perspective. Communication to stakeholders and dissemination of the project results includes events and discussions with the national housing associations.
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