Conference Paper
A review of the one-parameter division undistortion model
The one-parameter division undistortion model by (Lenz, 1987) and (Fitzgibbon, 2001) is a simple radial distortion model with beneficial algebraic properties that allows to reason about some problems analytically that can only be handled numerically in other distortion models. One property of this distortion model is that straight lines in the undistorted image correspond to circles in the distorted image. These circles are fully described by their center point, as the radius can be calculated from the position of the center and the distortion parameter only. This publication collects the properties of this distortion model from several sources and reviews them. Moreover, we show in this publication that the space of this center is projectively isomorphic to the dual space of the undistorted image plane, i.e. its line space. Therefore, projective invariant measurements on the undistorted lines are possible by the according measurements on the centers of the distorted circles. As an example of applicatioial distortion.
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