Conference Paper
Statistical Analysis of Bistatic Rural Terrain Clutter
In this paper we present the statistical analysis of bistatic rural ground clutter for different terrain types. Compared to state-of-the-art analysis we present clutter models for subdivisions of rural environments. Therefore, four measurement campaigns have been carried out during summer of 2019 in four different rural terrain types, namely a field with low vegetation, with high vegetation, plantation of small trees and forest environment representing a typical rural German environment. The measurements have been carried out in the radar relevant X-Band at a center frequency of 8.85GHz and with a bandwidth of 100MHz. The distinction of the rural terrain into different types enables a more precise and accurate clutter analysis and modelling of the statistical properties as shown in the presented results. The statistical properties are derived from the calculated probability density functions and the corresponding cumulative density functions for each of the four terrain types from the measured range-Doppler domain data.