Conference Paper
Nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond for laser threshold magnetometry
High precision magnetometry is important for a range of applications from the monitoring of biologically generated magnetic fields (e.g. magnetoencephalography and magnetocardiography), to navigation in GPS denied environments, to the detection of gravitational waves. Diamond containing the negatively-charged nitrogen vacancy colour centre (NV-) has emerged as a powerful room-temperature sensing solution. Here we explore NV-centres as a laser medium for a new form of magnetometry: laser threshold magnetometry (LTM). LTM works by placing NV- inside an optical cavity and uses the coherent laser output as a potentially more sensitive readout channel than is possible using conventional (incoherent) optically detected magnetic resonance. Here we show progress towards LTM with diamond. We show two laser excitation and stimulated emission in free space, and report progress towards diamond-cavity experiments. Our studies highlight the need for different NV-optimisation for laser applications, rather than those conventionally used for quantum information applications.
Gibson, Brant C.
RMIT University; Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for nanoscale BioPhotonics
Volz, Thomas
Department of Physics ans Astronomy, ARC Centre of Excellence for Engineered Quantum Systems