Conference Paper
Universal tool LASER - application examples for welding of HT fuel cells as well as heat exchangers and tank systems for H2 processing
The laser tool is predestined for automated manufacturing processes and has already proven its suit-ability in many areas. In particular, joining technologies in the field of hydrogen production, its storage and for bi-polar plates have to meet the highest requirements in terms of seam quality, reproducibility and manufacturing efficiency. By the examples - 700 bar car H2 pressure tank with laser welded connection (welding depth 25 mm) - Laser Remote Welding of HT Fuel Cell Stacks - Laser-welded aluminum tube-ground heat exchanger for gas liquefaction the article presents the possibilities of modern laser beam welding technologies. Furthermore, it gives an outlook on future challenges, especially with regard to the requirements of welding bi-polar plates for upcoming applications in the field of mobility.