Conference Paper
Secure Data-Flow Compliance Checks between Models and Code Based on Automated Mappings
During the development of security-critical software, the system implementation must capture the security properties postulated by the architectural design. This paper presents an approach to support secure data-flow compliance checks between design models and code. To iteratively guide the developer in discovering such compliance violations we introduce automated mappings. These mappings are created by searching for correspondences between a design-level model (Security Data Flow Diagram) and an implementation-level model (Program Model). We limit the search space by considering name similarities between model elements and code elements as well as by the use of heuristic rules for matching data-flow structures. The main contributions of this paper are three-fold. First, the automated mappings support the designer in an early discovery of implementation absence, convergence, and divergence with respect to the planned software design. Second, the mappings also support the discovery of secure data-flow compliance violations in terms of illegal asset flows in the software implementation. Third, we present our implementation of the approach as a publicly available Eclipse plugin and its evaluation on five open source Java projects (including Eclipse secure storage).