Conference Paper
AEROFLEX - Advanced Energy Management in Distributed Powertrains
This paper is part of the AEROFLEX - AEROdynamic and FLEXible Trucks for Next Generation of Long Distance Road Transport - project. It concentrates on the concept of the Advanced Energy Management in Distributed Powertrains. Powertrains in long-haul vehicles can be distributed by installing additional electric powertrains in trailers and dollies. This enables two very interesting possibilities: 1. reducing fuel consumption by hybridizing the whole vehicle combination and 2. improving the driveability of longer and heavier long-haul vehicles by adding additional drive axles, which e.g. improve gradeability. This paper gives an overview over the concept, the control approach and the communication between the individual parts of the vehicle combination. It also discusses the torque demand of different vehicle configurations and provides furthermore simulation results for the fuel consumption. Both underline the potential of distributed electric powertrains in future long-haul vehicles.