Conference Paper
Enabling the structuring, enhancement and creation of urban ICT through the extension of a standardized smart city reference model
With the emergence of Smart Cities, a large number of technologies have been developed and deployed world-wide. However, as Smart City technology is continuously growing, the question emerges of how to reasonably structure the ICT landscape in an urban environment, such that an eco-system of ICT components, involving vendors, network/service providers, small-mid-size enterprises, large-scale industry, and open source initiatives can emerge. Hence, a reference model serving as a blueprint for ICT architectures for future cities is required-similarly as TCP/IP and ISO/OSI facilitated the growth and world-wide development of the Internet and telecommunication services. The current paper proposes a methodology for structuring the ICT landscape in a city according to emerging standards for Smart Cities on European and German level, towards the facilitation of extensible and evolvable eco-system of ICT components and stakeholders for Smart Cities. After introducing the standards and the methodology, two case studies from recent research projects are presented in order to validate our approach.