Conference Paper
Cost-optimal market share of electric mobility within the energy system in a decarbonisation scenario
The EU aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80 % until 2050. While emissions in the power and the heat sector declined in the last years this is not the case for the transport sector. Especially electric vehicles that are charged with power from renewable energy sources offer considerable potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Their additional power demand itself has enormous effects on the power system if their number increases considerably. The energy system model SCOPE covers the power, heat, and transport sector to model long term decarbonisation scenarios and optimizes investment decision of the transport sector endogenously. We analyze the optimal share of different vehicle types and compare different scenarios concerning the share of controlled charging vehicles and the availability of eHighway trucks. Electric mobility has clear cost advantages even with long-term low power to liquid import prices. EHighway trucks are cost-efficient in all scenarios.
Klimawirksamkeit Elektromobilität