Battery roadmap for electric mobility 2030
Title Supplement
Presentation held at the 15th International CTI Symposium Automotive Transmissions, HEV and EV Drives, Berlin, 5. - 8. December 2016
From 2010 to 2015 Fraunhofer ISI has developed roadmaps [Fraunhofer ISI 2010-2015] for lithium ion batteries, energy storage for electric mobility and stationary storage systems on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF, Germany). A large number of national battery experts from science and industry supported this process which is continued since 2016 within the ""Battery 2020"" program funded by the BMBF and complemented by an international monitoring process including benchmarking studies and the development of scenarios based on the outcomes of the roadmapping process. With respect to electric mobility the roadmapping and monitoring covers the assessment of the status and dynamic development of Lithium-Ion Battery (LIB) technology, production, markets and how battery technology will influence the improvements of electric vehicle concepts until 2030 and beyond. Based on these studies, in this article it will be shown that optimized automotive LIB can lead to optimized electric vehicles which can be competitive to conventional cars (ICE) with respect to driving ranges and costs only after 2020 and until 2030/2030+. A full transformation to a globally battery based mobility is expected to be technically and economically feasible as well as sustainable between 2030 and 2050.