Conference Paper
Development of a post-CMOS compatible nanoporous thin film layer based on Al2O3
Porous alumina is a popular material with numerous application fields. A post-CMOS compatible process chain for the fabrication of nanoporous surface based on Al2O3 by atomic layer deposition (ALD) is presented. By alternately applying small numbers of ALD cycles for Al2O3 and ZnO, a homogenous composite was accomplished, for which the principle of island growth of ALD materials at few deposition cycle numbers was utilised. By selective texture-etching of ZnO content via hydrofluoric acid (HF) in vaporous phase at 40 °C and10.67 mbar, a porous surface of the etch resistant Al2O3 could be achieved. TOF-SIMS investigations verified the composition of ALD composite, whereas AFM and high resolution SEM images characterised the topographies of pre- and post-etched samples. Pores with opening diameters of up to 15 nm could be detected on the surface after vaporous HF treatment for 2 minutes. The amount of pores increased after an etching time of 5 minutes.