Conference Paper
Treatment support of obese adolescents in horne environments by activity recognition
Overweight and obesity are the main risk factors for many secondary disorders (including diabetes mellitus). The number of ill people is increasing and beside this, the diseases are leading to personal and socioeconomic burdens. Accepted treatments are known as structured treatment and teaching programs (SBSP). Even the treatment is very efficient; a long-term follow-up after participation in the SBSP is missing. This leads to loss of effectiveness of about 70% in the long-term perspective. A new approach for efficient and effective follow-up is the use of interactive telemedicine technologies. Hereby smartphones and smartwatches are used in the home environment to assist and motivate the patients. The sensors of the electronic devices are tracking physical activity or food intake, and the psychologist analyses the patient's habits and invents if necessary. This approach is analyzed in the present study.