Conference Paper
Towards an industry data gateway: An integrated platform for the analysis of wind turbine data
The increasing amount of data produced in many scientific and engineering domains creates as many new challenges for an efficient data analysis, as possibilities for its application. In this paper, we present one of the use-cases of the project VAVID, namely the condition monitoring of sensor information from wind turbines, and how a data gateway can help to increase the usability and security of the proposed system. Starting by briefly introducing the project, the paper presents the problem of handling and processing large amount of sensor data using existing tools in the context of wind turbines. It goes on to describe the innovative approach used in VAVID to meet this challenge, covering the main goals, numerical methods used for analysis, the storage concept, and architectural design. It concludes by offering a rational for the use of a data gateway as the main entry point to the system and how this is being implemented in VAVID.