Conference Paper
Implementing a "one-stop-shop" providing SMEs with integrated HPC simulation resources using Fortissimo resources
SMEs in need of computational resources exceeding their own capacity tend to use public Cloud infrastructures. The main reasons being expected lower costs than those of an own infrastructure and an increased flexibility when scaling the number of computing resources. Applications often are web-servers, shops, back-ends for mobile apps etc. SMEs running industrial simulation codes on Cloud resources can be observed less frequently. Three reasons can be identified: (i) industrial simulation codes are complex and the learning curve is rather steep than flat. (ii) The simulation codes are often designed for parallel execution in HPC environments. (iii) Industrial simulation codes are protected by software licenses that in general are tailored for executing the simulation locally. The European funded Fortissimo project aims at supporting SMEs when they need to perform simulations using HPC Cloud resources. To achieve this goal Fortissimo executes three sets of 20 experiments where Independent Software Vendors, Cloud Providers, SMEs and experts work together implementing and testing a one-stop-shop for SMEs that delivers computational resources, applications and the corresponding software licenses in an integrated way. This paper describes how the MORE.CLOUD experiment, one of the first 20 Fortissimo experiments, is achieving the goal of realizing this one-stop-shop for the involved SME and its applications, together with an ISV. First the SME initial situation is described, identifying the opportunities and benefits. Then the situation of the ISV with respect to changing requirement of its customers and new business opportunities in Cloud computing is presented. Furthermore, the paper introduces the software licensing technology needed to support both SME and ISV and the extensions developed to make the one-stop-shop a viable solution for all parties involved.