Integration of hydrogen storage systems for surplus electricity in the German energy sector
Title Supplement
Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Fundamentals & Developments of Fuel Cells - FDFC 2013 on April 16-18, 2013, Karlsruhe, Germany
Hydrogen storage systems are one option to better integrate renewable energies into the electricity system. Due to high storage capacities, they can balance times of high wind input by converting surplus electricity into hydrogen that can be stored in underground salt caverns. But similar to other storage technologies, they have to meet the challenge of being economically feasible. In comparison to competing technologies, hydrogen storage systems have the advantage of a versatile storage medium that can be sold on different markets. This paper shows that serving both the electricity and fuel markets has positive impacts on the profitability of hydrogen storage systems. Under favorable conditions characterized e.g. by high shares of renewable energies and high prices for energy carriers, a positive economic result is possible.